Please help support LOOP THE LAKE!

by Ben N on August 14, 2015

LOOP THE LAKE is a do it yourself road rally, to take place in the first half of September, 2015, where electric motorcycles will travel over 1,000 miles circumnavigating Lake Michigan, without using a single drop of gasoline.

Rider and film-maker Ben Nelson will be making the complete journey, joined in sections by other riders, and shoot a documentary film about the trip, including interviews with some of the most interesting and creative people on both sides of the “Third Coast”, building clean transportation projects and finding out what motivates them to do so.

The route of the trip will roughly follow the coast of Lake Michigan, traveling clockwise, hitting public electric vehicle charging stations, camp-grounds, and major cities. If you know of a great place to stop, something interesting like a Hackerspace or unusual attraction, please let us know!

You can help by donating to the project! Donations will help directly make the project happen by helping pay for food and lodging, motorcycle gear and upgrades, camera rentals and blank media. The more money raised, the better the documentary. With no funds, you will see lots of GoPro footage of Ben eating Ramen Noodles by the side of the road. With major funds raised, we’ll have some great interviews, might be able to get some rest by staying in a hotel for a change, or even hire a cameraman or quadcopter operator for a day or two!

Donations can be made through GoFundMe at:
Alternatively, you can also donate with Paypal here at the donation page.

Stay up to date by subscribing to my YouTube channel, visiting the LOOP THE LAKE page right here at 300MPG, or our community page on Facebook!


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Loop The Lake Official Route and Timeline!
August 18, 2015 at 2:39 pm

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

1 Kirk August 15, 2015 at 1:27 pm

Hey Ben,

Dropped a little in your Paypal. Keep us up to date, would love to meet you when you are on my side of the lake. I can also offer you a campsite in my back yard, a 110v outlet and directions to the nearest public charging station assuming you are going clockwise.


2 Ben N August 15, 2015 at 1:53 pm

Thank you so much for both the donation AND the offer!

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