Forkenswift Canadian Television

by admin on November 14, 2008

A while back, our friends over at Ecomodder, told us the Forkenswift was going to be on national TV.

Of course, the first thing I had to do was get my hands on a copy, and post it to the web.
If you aren’t familiar with the Forkenswift project, it’s a beer-budget, do it ALL yourself electric car conversion, built by two Canadians…. for under $700.
The one builder, Darin, is a co-founder of Ecomodder. I got to meet him this summer at HybridFest in Madison, WI.
The Forkenswift was a big inspiration for the Electro-Metro project, and Darin has been a big help on it.
Please enjoy this video on electric cars, featuring the Forkenswift.

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