Electro-Metro Instructable

by admin on November 12, 2008

Well, I finally got around to making an Instructable about the Geo Metro project.

Last night, I finished insulating the front battery box, and put the bumper back on at least well enough that it shouldn’t fall off in casual driving.
It feels like I am at a point that the car is “done”. I still have more to do on it, but it should be to the point that I can now take it in to emissions testing and get my exempt status.
That also means that it’s time for me to announce the car to the world. While I have been commenting on Ecomodder for almost a year now about the project, presenting the car on a forum like Instructables really is a big “Here it is! Look at this!”
I was pretty excited to see that my info hopped onto the front of the web page in the “Featured” column only minutes after posting.
Hopefully, this will help inspire others to re-consider what they are driving, and possibly even build their own.
You can see that instructable embedded below, or visit on their page at:

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

1 rolandv November 19, 2008 at 1:46 am

hey great job on the rebuild to electric! I noticed that the motor has to shafts, one on each end. Did you ever think about installing a high amp alt. so when your running your batteries and charging @ the same time…..my 2 cents.

2 Ben December 31, 2008 at 9:00 am

There isn’t enough room in the car for it!

I ended up having to saw off the tailshaft just to make the motor fit in the car!

This is a 10-inch motor, the biggest diameter I have seen in an electric Metro conversion so far.

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