Plug-Ins are the Future!

by admin on November 7, 2008

This summer, I saw that Google and YouTube were teaming up, looking for video submissions about plug-in electric vehicles to be shown at a conference in Washington DC, sponsored by and the Brookings Instutution.

My electric motorcycle may not be fancy, but it is a plug-in vehicle, and I didn’t have to wait for Detroit to make one for me.

One day, after work, I threw together a 90 second video about my motorcycle. I filled out the one-page on-line application, and submitted it to YouTube.

I was pleasantly surprised to find out that I was selected as one of three videos to actually be shown at the event!

Since then, the video has had over 60,000 views. Not bad for something put together on a weeknight.

I just hope that it sends the message that there are better ways to do things than what we’ve been doing.

Watch it below, and help spread the word.



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