Jack Daniels / Boo Hoo!

by Ben N on September 13, 2012

Well, the bad news is that the DIY Hybrid Pickup Truck Project is NOT a finalist in the Jack Daniels Independence project.

BUT! The up-side is this project was never dependent on some long-shot of winning some money in a contest. No sir-ee-bob! This project is happening….. It would just be a little easier with more money. And time, but if I weren’t so busy just trying to pay the mortgage and keep a kid in diapers, it would be a lot easier to dedicate more time to the project as well.

The other news is that my friend, Greg, IS a finalist in the contest! I helped Greg out by filming and editing his video entry, and my brother-in-law did the animated artwork for his entry.

You can see his entry on Instructables at: http://www.instructables.com/id/Turning-Waste-Into-Cheap-Energy-TWICE/

Frankly, at this point, I’m just holding my breath to see who wins. Right from the start, the ELECTRIC WHEELBARROW sure looked like a winner with a solid idea, good energy, and a nice video. I’m rooting for Instructables member “Deadnuts” and his project.

Well, whoever wins, all I can say is that there are a lot of amazing people out there doing some great work.

Keep it up folks!


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