This Monday, I was extremely pleased to get a chance to talk to Ben “Benswing” Rich! Ben has been a long-time long-distance electric motorcyclist and was just back from a ride from New Jersey to Florida to Ohio.
I gave Ben a call and asked if he would be up for an interview talking about his riding adventure so far this summer. He agreed, and later the same afternoon, we had our web cams set up for an over-the-air interview and video recording. This is the first time I’ve tried a web interview recording for a YouTube video. I think it turned out fairly well, although I have some ideas for improving for next time.
The entire video runs an hour and twenty-one minutes. Essentially, I didn’t edit anything out. If the viewer wants to speed through a section or skip around, at least all the content is there. I’m also making this interview available as a free MP3 audio download. Great for anybody who would like to listen to this on their ride to work or on an MP3 player while otherwise occupied.
Ben and I chatted about this summer’s trip so far, his participation in the Ride The Future Tour, planning cross-country road trips, and even the worst thing that’s ever happened to him on an electric motorcycle.
You can see KICK GAS: THE MOVIE on Vimeo:
This conversation really got me reminiscing about my 2015 ride around Lake Michigan. We talked about it a little bit in our interview. People like Ben Rich and Terry Hershner are amazing folks who help inspire. I never would have done that trip if it wasn’t for the likes of them. My Loop the Lake tour really was a memorable trip. I still have video footage from it that I keep fantasizing about making into a YouTube Feature.
Ben Rich documents all of his travels at his web page – and makes videos as he rides. You can watch his summer 2018 video playlist at:
Ben shoots his videos with his smart phone and Sena 10C Helmet Cam:
This is the first time we’ve tried a long-form remote interview. If you like this format and want to see similar in the future, please let us know!
Until next time, stay charged up!
-Ben Nelson
- The first and only time the Bens have met in person.
- Ben’s 2014 Zero SR electric motorcycle
- Ben Rich’s 2012 Zero S electric motorcycle
- Ben’s stop this summer in Cleveland
- Long-distance EV Riders: Terry Hershner, Charger, and Ben Rich.
- Ben Rich’s 2016 visit to Ben Nelson
- 2016 charging stop at Ben Nelson’s garage.
- Ben Nelson’s original project bike, 1981 Kawasaki KZ440
- Ben Nelson’s Vectrix in touring mode.
- 2015 view of Lake Michigan
- A stop at a campground
- Ben Nelson on tour in Kenosha, WI